Your Lifework is a 12-hour workshop designed to lead participants through a deep exploration of their work behavior and career ambitions. It presents traits, behaviors, and attitudes elicited from highly successful people as well as the other extreme. The unique program allows individuals to make evaluations of their personality and learning style and compare these to their present life. Participants utilize a take home workbook and several interpreted questionnaires. Completion of the workshop will qualify participants to conduct Your LifeWork Seminars with others. Individuals who are trained as Your LifeWork Facilitators can obtain seminar materials and conduct the workshop over two days or as a weekly group meeting for 2 hours per session over 6 sessions.
The program is a series of structured, written exercises that explore behavior, attitudes, feelings, and goals related to work, career, coworkers, hobbies, interests, family, and day-to-day life. Participants must be willing to engage in self-reflection and share some of their thoughts with others. The workbook focuses on many issues, however.
Business Owners & Supervisors, Human Relations Professionals, Career Counselors, Employee Development Staff, and Mentors will find the seminar useful for themselves personally, but they can then conduct the same seminars with others. Anyone who is interested in better understanding their career choices and wanting to do more in their lives will find it beneficial. One assumption that is made is that attendees will generally agree that honesty is a desirable trait. Individuals who have one overriding goal in life—becoming wealthy—will find this program useful ONLY is they are willing to honestly evaluate the role of greed and money in how they treat other people.
If you are a business owner, supervisor, human relations professional, mentor, or counselor you can conduct the seminars with your own employees or clients after completing the workshop. Anyone in a job or on a career path—or a person considering making changes—will find it very useful. It is human nature to seek more in life—more money, more things, and more security. But making decisions on the basis of wanting more can lead to decisions that produce unhappiness. The seminar directly confronts this issue.
Employees sometimes develop bad habits and bad attitudes. Although most people in jobs learn to cope with these problems in one way or another—to keep their job—they don't perform as well as they could. They aren't happy and simply try to make it through the day. Your Lifework directly confronts work behavior and attitudes.
The reality is that underpaid workers and employees who are truly mismatched to their jobs may well leave. You might have a problem employee decide it is best to move on. If your employees believe that your company has one overriding goal—profit—you may lose employees. But providing personal development programs can be a way to retain employees and reenergize those who have become complacent. An attitude adjustment and conscious change of habits can often turn problem employees into ideal employees.
There are a host of possible benefits to businesses that send employees through the seminar. These include:
Enhanced Employee Satisfaction
Increased Worker Cooperation
Increased Worker Productivity
Reduce Unnecessary Sick Time
Align Employee Behavior & Attitude To Company Goals
Most career-oriented workshops take your interests and abilities and try to match them to a specific job or career. Your LifeWork helps participants understand themselves in deeper ways. Participants help individuals answer a series of key questions: Where I Started? Where I Am? Where Am I Heading? Where Do I Want To Go? Is This Realistic For Me? The seminar guides you to:
Balance Life And Career Goals
Identify Your True Values
Examine Your Behavior and Ethics
Develop a Personal Mission Statement
The problem with this question is the word unrealistic. In an organization where there is no room for advancement, the real problem is that they may actually become realistic about their chances for advancement. On the other hand, many workers have career expectations that are too low. Others are just drifting in their work and career.